That web was intended to snare the bad dreams and keep them from her (Vault). The spider then thanks her and promises to spin a web that hangs between the moon and her. One day, her grandson comes and tries to kill it, and the grandmother protects the spider and stops him. For instance, one legend goes on to say to there was a grandmother who watched a spider spin its web for days. There are many legends used in the Native American culture that explain the intent of dream catchers. They come in different shapes, sizes, and designs but on average they consist of a hoop made of willow wood, decorated with feathers, beads, and a woven web or net inside the hoop.
They’re believed to filter out bad dreams and allow only good dreams to pass through to the sleeper. Are dream catchers innocent decorative pieces that you hang in your car? Or are they drawing the attention of demons? History of Dream Catchersĭream catchers are considered a powerful symbol of the Native American culture.